In magazines and on the big screen, our society is inundated with women with high cut cheekbones, men with strong chins and jaw lines, and perfectly symmetrical faces. It’s only natural that more and more men and women are striving to emulate the projected image of beauty that we see around us. For many men and women, high cut cheekbones and strong chins simply aren’t in our genetic make-up, but these days that’s not necessary for creating these highly envied traits. Through Houston Facial Implants, cheek and chin implants can be placed to create a natural looking, beautifully defined look.
The Facial Implants procedure is a fairly quick outpatient procedure. Some patients choose to undergo both chin and cheek implants or may choose to supplement the Facial Implants with a Nose Surgery to ensure a proper balance of facial symmetry and harmony. To learn more, check out our before and after facial surgery page and contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Lyos.