The effects of gravity plus time, pregnancy and nursing, even changes in weight can cause the breasts to begin to sag or droop. Women who are unhappy with the direction their breasts have taken may be good candidates for a Houston Breast Lift. The Breast Lift procedure is one in which excess skin is removed from around the areola and when the remaining skin is closed, it creates a tighter, firmer and more youthful appearance.
Dr. Lyos evaluates the unique needs and desires of each patient on an individualized patient to patient approach. He understands no two patients are exactly alike in their frames, concerns, desires and needs. Some patients, particularly after nursing, may feel their breasts have also “deflated” some and may also benefit from a breast augmentation coupled with a breast lift to receive the best results.
If you’re ready to learn more about breast lift surgery and how it can improve the appearance of your breasts, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation.