Aging changes the body in a lot of ways. The facial muscles and skin show prominent signs of aging. Pollution and sun exposure cause skin damage, and this speeds up the aging process and results in the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. There are now advanced cosmetic procedures to correct facial wrinkles. However, it’s dermal fillers that continue to top the list of choices, mainly because of the fact that they are simple, quick, convenient, and non-surgical.
Understanding What Dermal Fillers Actually Do
Dermal fillers, as the name indicates, are compounds that are injected in the target area to fill and plump up the skin naturally. By adding volume to the sagging skin and filling the areas that carry wrinkles, dermal fillers impart a natural and youthful glow.
There are numerous types of dermal fillers available. Some fillers give quicker results, while others take longer to create results. The time taken for the results to show and the duration for which the results last will depend on the type of dermal filler chosen.
What is common in all of them is that they consist of a stringently tested synthetic or natural compound embedded in an easily absorbable material, mostly a gel. The product is injected at one or more sites in the area affected by wrinkles.
Benefits of Choosing Dermal Fillers
While there are so many options for cosmetic procedures that can correct signs of the aging process, dermal fillers are some of the most popular choices. This is the case mainly because of the following benefits they deliver:
• Results often appear almost immediately: The gel medium in which the injected compound is suspended makes it easy to be absorbed by the skin. The compound then starts working almost instantaneously. As the skin starts absorbing the compound, the effects start getting better.
• Less pain and discomfort: There are no incisions needed for these treatments. The injected compound also has traces of substances that cause mild numbness so that you do not feel a great deal of pain or discomfort during the procedure.
• Not many risks involved: For those who are skeptical about surgeries, incisions, and the potential for infections, this non-surgical procedure comes as an easier choice. The compound injected is tested and approved for safe injection.
• A quick procedure: If you are looking for a treatment that can be performed over your lunch break, dermal fillers would be the best choice.
• Zero downtime: As there are no incisions, there is no recovery time required after the procedure. The post-procedure care instructions are also quite simple. You can typically resume your routine immediately after the procedure.
• Youthful skin: Sun damage, aging, lifestyle factors, pollution, and other factors cause wrinkles. These wrinkles can be touched up with wrinkle fillers, resulting in smooth and youthful skin.
Make an Appointment to Learn More
Contact our office for a consultation where you can learn more about dermal fillers. With the help of skilled triple-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Lyos, you’ll be able to say goodbye to those unwanted lines!