Collecting wrinkles and lines on your face is not a fun hobby. As we age we start to see a different face in the mirror than the one we’ve grown accustomed to. This face looks more tired and sad than the way we feel inside. What are all those lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and crows feet doing there anyhow? What purpose do they serve? If you would like to rejuvenate the skin on your face, erase some of those extra lines and see a face that better reflects how you feel inside starring back at you when you look in the mirror, you may be considering Facelift surgery.
10,000+ men and women alike undergo Facelift surgery every single year in the United States alone. Dr. Lyos personally has helped many men and women achieve the smoother, more energetic and youthful faces they desire through Houston Facelift. Truly a talented, one-of-a-kind Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lyos gives beautiful, natural-looking results as seen by looking at some of his patients Before and After Photos in the Houston Facelift Before and After Gallery.
Contact our offices to schedule your personal consultation to learn more about your options.